Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2016


I`ve got a few negativ reviews for some of my articles in the blog.
„not exactly enough“ was one opinion ... 
and one Lady, who I always respected, even called my articles „Geschreibsel“ = „scribblings"

I thought about it, asked myself how to do it better. 
I asked a friend, for a statement and I read some other blogs.

At last I agreed with myself, to work on, to write on like until now.
Not to ignore the critique, but to find … or to keep … my own way
I proceed further on in my kind of drawing my impressions.

So, in the end, I`m thankful for the word „scribblings“ … because thats exactly what I`m doing, making scrawls and sketches about the world through which I`m traveling, the underworld in which I`m living in.

This remains my logbook and travel diary, within my uncombed thoughts and views.

Love it or leave it … hello and welcome or good bye!

LINK zurück zum "SCRIBBLERS FOOD" Blog 

... using this occasion to do my reflexions and this article in english ... just for my training ... and for ... YOU! 

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